Thursday, January 6, 2011

A day at the playground

So there is not a day this year that I have picked my daughter up from school where she hasn't said her day was wonderful. You can totally tell that she means it too. Her teacher is fabulous. During her parent teacher conference I had expressed concern to the teacher that I was a little worried because it seemed like she was playing with a lot of kids that were younger than her. Naturally, I was a little worried that she was having a hard time making friends her own age. She told us a story of a day where my daughter and a group of girls were playing at recess. She said my daughter was upset because the girls she wanted to play with wouldn't give her a turn while they were playing jump rope and it was really hurting her feelings. If I were the teacher I probably would have went over to the girls and encouraged all of them to take turns so that everyone had a good shot at playing together. Is that what my daughter's teacher did? No. Thank god. Instead, she looked at my little girl and said, "Here is a rope, start your own group." Brilliant. She empowered my daughter. She gave her the tools to be a leader. She didn't let her get her way by complaining but instead helped build up her confidence by starting a group of her own. It is moments like that that can change your life forever. I love that story. I love my daughter's confidence. I love my daughter's teacher.