Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Sometimes I don't share my gum with my kids.  I drink a latte every day.  I make sure I get a work out in everyday that I want to.  Girls night out at least once a month is a must.  I buy at least one thing for myself every time I get the opportunity to go to a Lu Lu Lemon store.  I don't let other people pick my daughter up from school for play dates because it is normally the only alone time I get to spend with her.  And, I watch the Today show every morning instead of cartoons. You could say I am selfish.....and proud to be so.  I had a conversation with a friend of mine this week.  She was telling me that her mother never added cream to her coffee until she found out she had Lou Gehrig's disease.  I think that statement will stick with me the rest of my life.  I want to enjoy the little things in life.  Why not enjoy each day as if it was your last?  By choosing  to be a little selfish and bring joy into our lives we can then turn around and bring more joy to others.


  1. You tell it like it is, girlfriend!

    (Pssst...that's why I let Brenda put away the dishwasher everyday. And vacuum and clean the washrooms.

    I'm not going to spend what could be my last day on Earth doing that stuff!)

    ;) great post!

  2. Did my husband just call you, Girlfriend?

  3. (psst....he's not even kidding about leaving that stuff to me. That is another fact. your blog is full of facts today)
