Monday, December 27, 2010


O.k. Yes, I am a Miley Cyrus fan. O.k. Yes, I do realize I am in my thirties. O.k. Yes, I realize this may be totally unacceptable for some of you. Whether you are a fan or not you should listen to the lyrics of her song "The Climb." It makes me a little emotional every time I hear it.
I am a dreamer. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a tendency to get a little obsessive compulsive about pretty much everything I take a liking to. When I got involved in running I ran almost every 5k in the state. When I started scrap booking I wanted to buy a store and sent all of my creations to the major scrap booking magazines. When I started road biking you would of thought I was training for the Tour de France. I think you get the point. So here is the thing, like I said before, I am a dreamer. I have always held extremely high expectations of my self. I think there has always been a part of me that truly believed someday I could break some 5k record, or become published, or win some amazing cycling race. That has never happened. Along with my obsessive compulsion I also crave constant stimulation. I think that is why I know whole heartedly that the career path I have chosen is truly the path I am meant to travel. It is different every day. I am constantly challenged. I have always been a little disappointed in myself though, because I drift from obsession to obsession. I never have reached a goal I have set out to accomplish. Or have I?
If you look at it from Miley's perspective ( oh my gosh, I can't believe I just said that) it is all about the Climb. Every step a long the way has lead me to this very spot. Don't get me wrong I am still climbing. My goals are still lofty, but I know I am headed in the right direction. My goals are scary. Intimidating. And, most of the time I wonder if they are attainable. But, as long as I love what I am doing a long the way that is what it is all about. Right? Thank you miss Miley Cyrus for your wonderful words of wisdom. Tweens and thirty somethings every where are lucky to have you:)! O.k. soooooo, I just blogged about Miley Cyrus. I should probably be humiliated.

p.s. I promise to never write about teenage popstars again.
p.s.s. Unless they write some amazing song worth blogging about.
p.s.s. I do realize this makes me a dork:)


  1. You are not a dork but a very amazing person with a heart of gold!!!

  2. Switchfoot's song titled "It's Your Life are You Who You Want to Be?" is thought provoking for me as is The Climb. Even though songs are generational for the most part, a wise woman does not close her mind to any and all words of wisdom.
    Trae you may be ready for my REAL Facebook inspirational page.
    Donna Was

  3. SOOOOOOO....I'm a little late and now people are being supportive and inspirational which is making it hard for me to be sarcastic.

    Okay, I'm over it....

    For the record, yes. Once I was cool, then Trae (do I call you Tron over here??) got me into Hannah Montana, and I became obsessed. I even liked Billy Ray. I even suggested Trae and I read Miley's book for our bookclub, but she talked me out of that one. (But I think I'm going to read it now and blog about it, since your Miley blog is going so well)

    I do have to say it is expensive being the wind beneath the wind of a dreamer. I have so much scrapbooking stuff I can't afford to send my kids to college, A bike I have ridden about 3 times and....well, I just skipped that whole running obsession!

    Is your new dream to be a better blogger then me??????

    Well, at least now everyone knows why you like me so much, all that constant stimulation.

    That's it for my blog on your blog...I have to stop this, I think they are getting better then my blogs on my blog.

  4. ps. I already achieved my dream of having the world's best BFF. Done and done! :)

  5. Hi Trae, I work with Drew at Les Mills and he gave me your blog address because I am just starting my blog (no posts yet) and he really likes yours.
    I thought I would tell you that I share the love for Miley Cyrus and could care less if people don't get it. When I do have a chance to watch television, the last thing I want to do is watch crime and violence. It is much more fun to laugh along with the lighthearted Disney channel and watch little Miley grow up. She is real and I like that in a person.
