Sunday, January 16, 2011

Adult Prom Nite

Any evening that includes a little black dress, strawberry balsamic martinis, and chips and gravy is my kind of night.  I went out with my husband and some good friends of ours last night to the Hospice gala and had the best time.  I would say approximately 90% of my life I wear spandex workout attire so to get the opportunity to dress up and feel pretty is wonderful.  I seriously have band aids on almost every toe today because of all the blisters I acquired from dancing in my strappy high heals.  It was totally worth it.  I love to dance with my husband.  I feel very fortunate that he dances with me.  Joe is the yin to my yang on the dance floor.  We don't have cool moves.  In fact, we almost compete over who can come up with the most ridiculous move to try and make each other laugh.  We don't have insecurities over trying to look cool, or sexy.  Although, I think we kinda do because we are truly having fun. Our adult version of prom night will go down in the books as one of my favorite nights ever.   I have the biggest crush on my husband!

P.s.  Yes those are Transformer band aids.  I can only stay glamorous for so long.

1 comment:

  1. You looked SMOKIN'. Uh I don't know if you remember this but we totally got pointed at during the "baaaaaaaaabbbyyyyyyyyyy" part of Stand By Me. Or maybe it was My Girl. Either way, I was happy about it. p.s. You have really sweet moves.
