Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cup of Love

I have an obsession with Starbucks coffee. Especially during winter. I feel like I am seriously magnetized to this steaming cup of love. I have tried to give up this tasty treat before, but have decided it is so not worth it. Life deserves indulgence. The joy that drinking my one pump toffee nut soy late brings me is worth the guilt that I feel for paying the small fortune. So what is so fabulous about it? I love the first sip. Especially during winter. It is so warm and automatically puts a smile on my face. I love that without fail it always tastes the same. I love that the barista making it always knows my name and has it ready before I even order. I love that for just a minute I can escape my world sit in my car and just sip and smile.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I got a sugar-free, fat-free caramel latte today. When they passed it through the window of my car, the feeling that came over me with that first whiff was unlike any other..... And that first sip.... My "ahhhh" moment!
