Saturday, March 19, 2011

Road Trip

My family and I decided to take a spontaneous trip to Denver yesterday.  We hit the road for our 5 hour road trip at 8:30pm.  Crazy?  Absolutely.  Worth it?  Definitely.  I haven't smiled that much in a long time.  We were feeling a little guilty that both Joe and I had to work over Spring Break so we decided to make a last ditch effort to increase the fun factor.  I have created a list of highlights of my favorite moments.  I hate it when I forget those special moments that unfortunately don't make it into the scrap book but are the most magical parts of the trip. 

1.  We pulled into the parking lot of the Aquarium and Tanner says, " Oh my gosh, oh my gosh today is going to be the best day of my life."  You could feel that he truly believed it.

2.  Ella and I were looking at the rattle snakes and I say to her, "if you ever see a rattlesnake in real life you need to run.  They are scary.  She says to me in response.  " Mom, what do you think this is?  This is real life."  Point well taken.

3.  Tanner saw a blue fish in one of the tanks and kept saying, "Look dad it is Doris!"  We figured out he meant Dorie from Finding Nemo.  So precious.  Seriously, why do they have to grow up...... I love those innocent mistakes. 

4.  Watching Ella take pictures of everything she saw.  She thought it was so important to document every part of the trip.

5.  I got to hold one of my best girl friends babies for the first time.  I know how badly she has always wanted a baby girl.  It was so hard for me not to cry.  So happy for her.

6.  I got to talk to my husband.  About nothing in particular but wonderful conversation.  Sometimes a road trip is the best way to reconnect.  I just love him.

I loved our spur of the moment adventure.  I wouldn't trade it for the world. 


  1. I'm disappointed my mountain phone call at midnight in Canada didn't make the list. I will have to make my phone call more radical next time.
