Thursday, March 31, 2011

I don't know where I am going

I ran into gentleman the other day and he asked me if I was doing Ride the Rockies again this year. Ride the Rockies is a bike ride across Colorado. The route is different every year. I have entered the lottery for this ride with my mom each year and thankfully have been chosen to participate. When I told him yes he proceeded to ask me what the route was. When I told him I had no idea I could feel his disgust. "How could you not know?" he exclaimed. I could feel his thoughts. I knew he thought I was a flake, lacking a little bit in the intelligence department. Truth is, I don't know. And chances are I won't even know after I complete it. Riding my bike is so therapeutic to me because I step out of the world of organization, attention to detail, and have the unique opportunity to clear my head. I truly don't care where I am or where I am going I just care about the challenge and the ability to push myself out of my comfort zone. My goal in completing this tour across the state has nothing to do with the route. It has everything to do with the experiences and the memories that are created along the way. And of course the opportunity to spend a solid week bonding with mom, and whom ever joins us. I may have completed every mountain pass in the state, I am ok with the fact that I may never know. I am proud of myself for not needing the notch on my belt, for me this is a huge accomplishment.

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