Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Self Affirmation

So I walked out of my class today giving myself an affirmation.  Out loud of course.  So if our members  talk about an instructor that is coo coo for cocoa pops. That would be me.  Insecurity happens to all of us, but dang it is a humbling emotion.  I watched a new instructor teach her first class today and seriously blow me away.  She was a natural, so incredibly talented.  She was so nervous, but she was able to conquer it and lit up the room.  It was so ironic because I started the day telling her how ready she was to teach, that I wouldn't put her in front of a class if I didn't believe she had what it took to teach successfully and then had to give myself the same talk in the parking lot walking to my car.  Growth is eternal.  The second I stop wanting to improve my class or be concerned about how to better connect with the group in front of me is probably when I need to get out of the business.  I know I am good at what I do.  Sometimes I just need to here it.......from me.


  1. Are you trying to tell me I should stop wondering if other people think my blog is funny and should just tell myself it's cool cause I think it's funny? That's the message I am going to take away from your blog today.
    Thanks, Trae. or Tron. Or whoever you are, it doesn't really matter cause I'm talking to me like you told me to.

