Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Girl Scout cookies are evil:)  Of course I bought 4 boxes from the cutest girl scout ever, but am I going to eat them? NO!  I bought them before I made a commitment to change.   So here is the deal, I am not going to let a cookie stand between me and my goals.  Sacrifice is required to move towards my dreams.  I am paying my cookies forward.  Don't worry I will not donate them to anyone reading this blog because I am not going to sabotage you either.  I am making a pact with myself that next year I will make a donation to the girls instead of putting myself through this mental torment.  I have let far too many "cookies"  stand in my way. 
Today I made a pact with myself that I am no longer going to think about where I want to go in life, I am going to act.  I am going to make a plan and I am going to see it through.  I don't need an invitation to live my life to the fullest.  Dang, I am gonna miss those cookies.  When I get to where I want to go though I have a feeling it will taste so much sweeter.


  1. Move to Canada. They don't have those cookies here. That is the real reason I had to move.

  2. I'm have a whistky an dcoke instead fo cereal!!!! That, myfriend is asacrifice.
