Thursday, February 24, 2011

Craving me some ZZZZZZZs

The past three nights I have not been able to sleep.  Someone told me that it was a full moon so that may have something to do with it but I am getting freaking frustrated! My head has not hit the pillow until around 2 or 3am each night.  I should be exhausted!  I am not all consumed in a thought.  I haven't been abusing my caffeine intake.  If anything I am simply bored and annoyed.  I wish I was smart enough to use the time wisely and get a project done, but no instead I have just been tossing and turning.  Lame!  I find that I am not very pleasant to be around when I am sleep deprived.  My thoughts are cloudy, I am grouchy, and feel sluggish.  Please, please, please stop the insanity.  I am craving an outcome resulting in some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZs.  Peace out, I am going to go count me some flippin sheep!

1 comment:

  1. boo to no sleep! :(

    ps. tell me when you do get some sleep, I'm not calling you when you are cranky.
