Sunday, February 13, 2011


So I jumped on the scale this week for the first time in months and to my surprise I gained a whopping 10 pounds.  I know why.  I have been naughty.  I am a comfort eater and I have been uncomfortable to say the least for the last six months.  I am disappointed about it but it got me thinking.  There are so many self help books out there on how to lose weight, but nobody ever really talks about the tough part of weight loss.  Maintenance.  When you are losing weight it is so gratifying to see the numbers on the scale drop and the inches lost, but what happens after you reach your goal?  When you see the numbers on the scale go up it is freaking upsetting.  For me it is so annoying because I know how to lose the weight and maintain my weight so I feel worse for not being motivated enough to get the job done.  Why am I sharing?  I guess I just think it is important for people to know that we all struggle, we are all human.  Did I sit on this 10 pound gain and pout?  Yes, for a little bit, but I am over it
Being healthy is staying balanced.  If you start eating like crap you start feeling like crap.  I am sick of feeling like crap.

1 comment:

  1. Dit to the O, sista.

    You know what would probably help you? If you shared some of your knowledge with your BFF. That would be helpful to both of us, I think. Not really an inconvenience at all.

    Hey, let's look on the bright side- at least it's not the 15lbs you thought it was???

    Hopefully our Brenda + James Vs. Trae Challenge will be helpful ;-)

    (ps. I get major bff brownie points for being kinda sensitive and not calling you a rude name)
