Saturday, February 19, 2011


At Grandma's house there was a cross stitch picture on the wall in the basement that says, " Yard by yard life is hard, inch by inch it's a cinch."  Of all the pictures that we took down when we moved in Joe kept this one up.  I think he thought it would help us keep a positive attitude during the tough times that we were inevitably facing.  I tore it down this morning.  I totally disagree.  Life is hard no matter how you look at it.  Not in a bad way.  It is just hard.  And the closer we look at ourselves in refined detail the more excruciating yet worth while it becomes.  Life in smaller doses does not make anything easier. Life is Life.  It is beautiful, it is messy, it is exhilarating, and life is hard. 

1 comment:

  1. Trae - You're absolutely right. Life is damn hard but worth it. You have no idea how much I needed to hear (read?) this today. Thanks.

    You're beautiful inside and out.

