Sunday, December 26, 2010


So I have always been a little weird about wearing shorts. I work out quite a bit......alright quite a bit is an understatement. I am a freak, I work out almost everyday (sometimes mulitple times a day). So it is not like my legs are hideous, but I have never been comfortable about the shape of my legs. I feel gross whining about it because it could be so much worse but it is what it is. We all have our weird issue with some part of our body. I know that shorts are kind of a weird topic to blog about in the middle of winter but my brother and his fantastic girlfriend bought me a pair of shorts for Christmas. They are not just shorts, they are from my favorite clothing work out line lulu lemon and they are fabulous. Naturally, I decided I should break out of my non short wearing box. I wore them to teach my class today. So why is it that the day I decide to take a risk even though my legs are albino white, slightly hairy, and oh yeah it is the middle of winter does the news channel come and video tape my class? Really? So if you see me on the news laugh a little (because you know the inside scoop). And then get over it, cause these legs of mine had the ultimate break out. It was obviously their time to shine. I will from this day forward be proud to show of my stems!


  1. How does Dax feel about his girlfriend being called fantastic but not him?

    Naturally, I have the same shorts issue. But I'm a hobbit and I don't work out 7 times a day.

    I wish I lived in town so I could watch you on the news, then call you up and say "uh, weird legs".

    Oh man, do I have to blog now that you did, or does my blog on your blog count????

  2. hahaha, gooooo Trae's legs!!! Showcase those babies.

    Haha ps thanks for using fantastic as my adjective :) I don't think Dax will be super mad. Just, kinda mad. I'm also kinda mad that I missed this breaking news feature, has it aired yet??
