Thursday, December 30, 2010

Awkward mall moment

Funny story. I was at the mall a while a go and was shopping in the kids section at the Gap. The girl working there came up to me and said, "you look so familiar." So any normal person would maybe jump to the conclusion that she had possibly attended one of the classes that I taught at the gym. Nope. Not me. Instead I naturally assume that we went to high school together. So I ask her "Did you grow up around here?" She says, "Ummmmm yeah but I am still a Senior in high school." Alright, soooo I guess my age radar is a little out of whack! Awkward!!
I am at that weird stage in life now where they are no longer checking my id at bars, restaurants, and liquor stores. I am strangley missing this minor inconveniece. Even though I feel like I am a teenager, obviously my newly acquired wrinkles are proving otherwise. Dang it!! My new years resolution this year is to not age. Wish me luck!


  1. Getting old suck doesnt it, but oh well.

  2. Is this your cryptic way of telling us you are getting botox?
