Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My first blog.

First topic:  A day in the life of Trae
So today in a nutshell.  I woke up.  Late.  Didn't take a shower (because I'm gross sometimes).  Took my daughter to McDonald's (because I am also always flying by the seat of my pants).  Taught a spin class.  (Wondered if they liked it.....for way to long)  Had a wonderful lunch with a good friend.  Went to work.  Best job in the world. Seriously.  Taught BodyPump.  Talked to my best friend.  Best friend started a blog. Naturally, I followed suit.  Ate dinner with my family.  Watched TV with grandma.  WOW!!!  Sounds totally uninteresting.  Actually, lets dig a little deeper.

I woke up.  In my grandmothers basement.  My husband kids and I all moved in 4 months ago to help take care of my grandma.  My poppy recently passed away so we are taking care of her.  There hasn't been a day that has gone by where I haven't seen her cry.  It makes me sad.  It has also helped me to truly focus on what is important in life.  I am forever grateful for the experience.  It has changed me for the better.  I only take showers now about every three days.  Disgusting I know.   Especially because I am a group exercise instructor so I teach classes all day long. Too much information to share with the world, yes, but at least if you smell me you will know why.  The plumbing at grandmas is not ideal and it makes showering very challenging.  I work at a gym so I should be able to shower there everyday.  Unfortunately I am an unorganized human being so I can't seem to pull it together and make it happen.
I taught rpm ( a spin class).  I love teaching.  It is my passion.  It goes way beyond getting on stage and instructing people.  I love helping people achieve their fitness goals.  Teaching is my vehicle to be able to do this.  I crave the endorphin high that you experience when exercising.  I love the confident, organized, energetic person I become when I am instructing a class.  I love the challenge.  I love the success stories.  You could say, I am addicted to my job.  
I had a wonderful lunch with a friend.  To say friend is an understatement.  I believe this woman has helped me learn so many lessons about myself that I consider our relationship like family.  I feel very blessed to be surrounded by friendship that encourages continuous growth and meaningful conversations.
Talked to my best friend Brenda.
A highlight of most of my days.  I have known Brenda since I was 4 years old.  I have never had a conversation with her where I didn't laugh.  I have never met anyone like her.  She is simply one of a kind.  Besides my husband and kids I don't think anyone has ever loved me more than this woman.  And, of course the feeling is mutual.  There is nothing like a life long girlfriend.  Why do I like her?  She makes fun of me every day, she laughs at my jokes ( but it is weird....I am only funny when I am talking to her), I feel good every time I hear her voice.  The funny thing about love is that it is hard to define.  You just have to feel it.  It will be very likely that Brenda and I will be blogging about the same things.  She will be funny.  I will be me.  Not sure how to categorize myself.  I guess you will have to stay tuned and find out.


  1. Hey you I like the look into a day with Trae :)

  2. Dude, there are no words to describe how much I love your blog! Especially the part where you talk about me. Make sure you do lots of posts about me.
    Now the world will know the truth. That you are actually more funny, more insightful, more smart, then me. I can't pretend anymore now that you have a blog. I am going to have to up ante of my blog now, hardcore! I like that we are blogging together. That is really the only reason I started my blog anyways, to make you laugh :) It's like my job. Well, except you get it for free..hey look, it's like I'm writing a blog on your blog right now! hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhaahahahahhaa!
    Hey, we can do guest spots on each others blogs.
    Every time I think about your blog tittle in my head I giggle a lot.

    I would tell you I love you, but in your blog you said you can feel how much I love you so I guess I don't have to say it anymore.

  3. That's fine, Trae, don't say "hi" back. My feelings aren't hurt at all.


