Monday, April 11, 2011

A toast to triumph

A member of ours at the gym shattered both of his feet in a motorcycle accident and still had the motivation passion and attitude to continue to come to class in his wheel chair.   He wrote me an email today describing his personal story.  After being told from Dr.'s that he may never walk again he never gave up.  And is now able to take a full class standing.  Let's just say I was inspired, to say the least.  Even though I have watched him throughout his journey to read his experience in his own words brought tears to my eyes. Not only because I was so impressed by his courage and will but because it helped to put things in perspective for me.  I have been complaining because I have been having a hard time disciplining myself not to go through the Dairy Queen drive through, but a member in my class has the fortitude to fight against all odds.  I have been humbled.  If he can honor his body enough to fight through his pain and speed up his recovery then I am pretty sure I can just say no to an Oreo Blizzard.  I am seriously amazed and moved by his efforts.  Here's to a healthier tomorrow.


  1. Good girl Trae..
    Were you talking about Hank?, or should I not ask?
    If it's Hank, he's a true fighter. Great guy...

  2. Brian Wilson. I will introduce you at the gym. Hank is amazing as well:) the gym is filled with stories of inspiration.

  3. Like Mr. Jones said, all it takes is some perspective. Beautiful inspiration, thank you.
