Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Love Muppets

When I was in college I still collected stuffed animals of the Sesame Street characters.  Looking back now I am sure my room mate was probably scared that she was rooming with someone with the intelligence of a preschooler when I pulled each plush toy out of the moving box.  I will admit, I feel like I was a late bloomer in the maturity department, but I still believe I have a very child like spirit.  I still hold on to a very strong fondness to the characters on Sesame Street and of course The Muppets.  I think I watched the show so much growing up the team of puppets half raised me. Honestly, I was much more excited than my children to go see the Muppet movie that just came out.  It may be immature, but the dry sense of humor, the underdog story, and the sheer odd placement of puppets whose characters make absolutely no sense  interacting with humans just makes me smile.  As quirky as I have always felt about my love for these characters it appears I am not alone.  At the movie theatre today my children were the only kids there.  During the movie, my daughter was shocked because adults all around her sang "The Rainbow Connection," as it appeared on the screen.  It seems like the impact of these shows not only touched my heart but also many others as well.  So I may have grown up enough to not collect the toys but I still feel like a little girl when I see my family of puppets on screen.

1 comment:

  1. Seems kinda sacrilegious that we threw Elmo out of the sunroof and ran over him then, doesn't it? And, I can't stop singing the rainbow connection!
