Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It is official, I am losing it!

There is a spider on the loose in the basement.  I couldn't work up the nerve to get close enough to kill it so I am now paying the price because I am unable to sleep.  Every itch has me convinced that the spider, which I must say belongs in a zoo, is trying to eat me and my children. My laptop decided not to work yesterday, my son decided to go take a pee in the bathroom trash can instead of the toilet, and my grandma was having a hard time making a phone call because she was dialing on the T.V. remote control.  No hot water this morning so again no shower for me. (day 3...I know gross) You could say that my patience is being tested.  I apparently have developed a new coping mechanism because in each situation I couldn't stop laughing.  No worries I am not cruel or a bad parent.  I didn't let anyone else see.  But I think when you reach a point where the trials and tribulations in your life become this ridiculous. What the heck else can you do.  It is official I am losing my mind, but at least I am going out with a smile on my face.

1 comment:

  1. My darling, that is the best way to manage those times in life. It shows resilience, which you are the official Queen of. Resilience is the number one thing I hope for all my students to develop. Your ability to laugh at a time like this shows you are the EXACT OPPOSITE of a cruel or bad parent. It teaches your babies that life is going to be tough and throw everything at you at once sometimes, but that doesn't mean it destroys you (even though you may feel destroyed on the inside ;-)) This is good actually, I think the universe is just building you up inside, so you have enough frustration inside you to fuel your ability to smash the spider. One day soon, that little bugger is going to show up, and you are going to be so frustrated you are going to take care of business. Sorry in advance to the spider, for being the business I am referring to.
