Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brain fart syndrome

My kids started soccer yesterday.  I love soccer season.  When I arrived at Ella's first practice I was excited to see that there was a group of familiar moms.  I was not all that impressed with myself though because I could not remember anyones name. I HATE those moments.  This tends to happen more than I would like it to. I felt like a jerk.  I am blessed in that I get to meet so many people all the time in class but unfortunately it is very hard to keep track.  I have developed a lot of sisters and brothers.  What's up sister?  Has become a common phrase in my vocabulary for which I am ashamed. I think this week I am going to swallow my pride, carry a fricking notebook if I have to ( I know nerdy) and if I really don't know someones name I am going to ask.  Why in the world is that so scary!  I think it is because I am scared for people to think that I don't care enough to remember, honestly I really do care.  I think my brain is just suffering from fart syndrome. 

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I like to go with "What up, Dog??" I find it less insulting. Oh, and just because that's how I answer the phone when you call, doesn't mean I've forgotten your name.
