Sunday, June 26, 2011


My favorite quote from this weekend came from my son. We were riding four wheelers on our camping trip and came a cross a group of riders on horseback.  My son was fascinated.  He shouted to them asking if they were Cowboys.  He continued to talk about Cowboys the rest of the trip.  So I mentioned to him that his Grandad Curt is a Cowboy and so is his Uncle Billy.  So then he said as excited as I have heard him, "Oh my Gosh!!! Does that mean I am part Cowboy?!?!
I answered yes, of course.  So he is 25% Italian, his dad was the last generation of the Choctaw nation so he holds a fraction of Native American, a little German, Mexican, and the rest must be Cowboy.
We all hold traits carried over from the generations that proceed us.  I hope that Tanner holds on to a little bit of the Cowboy spirit.  He is certainly proud to have the blood running through his veins.

1 comment:

  1. He is a Natalian Germexican Cowboy!! (Native+Italian+German+Mexican+cowboy!)
