Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life is good

I am officially exhausted. I just got done teaching three classes today. This week put me to the test, it was emotionally, physically, and spiritually draining. Right now I am sipping a glass of wine so pardon my blogging slur. I have to say I am proud of my friends. It is weeks like these that I count my blessings and feel so fortunate to be surrounded by amazing people. Why do I like them? They are willing to take a look at the areas in their lives where there is room for improvement. Even if it is scary. And when I ask, they are not afraid to give me honest feedback. They look out for one another. They make me laugh. They are willing to take risks. They are patient but not too patient and I honestly feel like they push me to be a better person. I feel surrounded by love. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. As the friend that woke you up to talk about Katy Perry, I understand if I am kicked off this list. Then I tried to make you burn your bacon. That doesn't sound helpful at all.
